About Us

 We are Let’s Dance!, the student dancing association in Maastricht! We offer courses in Latin & Standard, Salsa & Bachata, Feminine Hip Hop, Contemporary, Ballet and Jazz. Besides these classes we also offer an international, open and enthusiastic social environment, mostly consisting of students. We organize workshops, non-dance related activities, dinners, and parties, to give you the opportunity to socialize with fellow passionate dancers and meet new people and friends.

On this page you can get to know our association a bit better. We will introduce give some information about our association, as well as introduce our board for this year as well as our trust persons.

The Board

Hereby we present the 24rd board of M.S.D.V. Let’s Dance! Our diverse board, comprised of  7 dancers, are the ones working to make to run this beautiful association. We organize classes, workshops, parties and many other fun activities!

Before we invite you to dance with us, let us first introduce ourselves and the roles that each of us play within the association.

President – Wen Huang  

Hiii Iam Wen your president this year, Iam fully Dutch and from Maastricht. Iam a second year bachelor student at FSE and Iam studying Data Science and AI, Iam a gamer and I watch anime but in my first year I started dancing at Let’s Dance and I absolutely fell in love it it. Currently Iam doing salsa and ballroom :))

As your president it is my job to make sure the association runs smoothly and most importantly that all of you guys enjoy your time with us and also enjoy the dances we provide.

Hope to see you soon in our classes! :))))

 Vice-president – Inès Le Courtois

HHey Guys 🙌🙌, My name is Inès ( 22 ) and I am the vice president for this year. As Vice President of Let’s Dance, I am here to support my fellow members and help manage and organize our activities. I am also in charge of Inkom and the showcase that will happen in 2025 ,towards the end of the academic year.

+I am a third year student at UCM , focusing on psychology and neuroscience.

When it comes to dance, I focus on Hip Hop and contemporary but honestly I love all styles.I have only been dancing for a year but I like it so much that I dedicate almost all my free time to it.Otherwise , I also like playing video games ( Valorant !!!) and I am a big anime nerd .

Fun fact : I also work at Moge Tee so you might see me around in Wyck 🙂

I’m super excited for this upcoming year and all the activities the board has prepared for you guys . So look forward to it 🤸‍♀️

See you around and have fun!!!

Secretary –  Alice Laugier

Hi everybody! My name is Alice and I will be your secretary this year! I am French-American although I grew up in Brussels, Belgium. I recently graduated from my Bachelor’s in International Business and I am currently doing my Master’s in Marketing-Finance.

I started dancing salsa 5 years ago and have been unable to stop since! I did expand my registry to other dances like bachata fairly soon after, and more recently ballroom (which is awesome!).

As your secretary, I am the one in charge of admin and sending you guys emails regarding stuff like deadlines (fun, right?). I am also the one replying to most of your emails, so if you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to me 🥰

I am very excited to be on this year’s board and help our dance family grow.

See you all on the dance floor,


Treasurer –  Annemarie Vergeer

Hi, I’m Annemarie, your favorite treasurer of this year’s board of Let’s Dance! I’m currently in my third year of my bachelor Circular Engineering. Music and dancing have always been important to me. As a kid, I tried out a lot of different dance styles but stopped when I started high school. When I began studying in Maastricht, I joined Let’s Dance, which has been the best decision I ever made. Now, I’ve been dancing salsa and ballroom for two years. Besides dancing, I sometimes do yoga and go for a run.

As your treasurer, I’m responsible for handling the finances of Let’s Dance! I manage the budget, keep track of all the income and expenses, and make sure your money is well spent! If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to me! See you on the dancefloor!🤗💃

Commissioner of DanceAnnabell Chedor

Hi everyone! My name is Annabell, and I am this year’s Dance Commissioner! I was born and raised near Heidelberg in Germany and moved to Maastricht to do a Bachelor´s in Psychology here at UM. I fell in love with the city and decided to also stay here for my Masters. Currently, I am in my first year of the Research Master in Clinical Psychology. 🙂 I grew up doing many different sports and also tried Ballroom dancing when I was 15 years old. Since I enjoyed that a lot, I joined Let´s Dance about 2 years ago and fell in love with Dance all over again:) I mainly dance Latin and Ballroom and SaBaKiz, but this year I also want to try out more Hip-hop and Contemporary as well. Outside of dance I love to read, do Yoga and go for long walks and when times allows it, I join Clubpower at UM sports with friends. 🙂 As you Dance Commissioner, I will mainly be in charge of organising Classes and Workshops, so if you have any complaints (I hope not :)), recommendations or ideas I am your point of contact. If you are interested in helping us plan new and exciting workshops, let me know and join the Workshop Commitee! Please don´t hesitate to reach out to me via text or in person, you will find me at most classes and at the practice hour for Ballroom whenever you have any questions or want to share ideas. I am excited to work with all of you! 🙂

See you at dance class! <3 Annabell

Commissioner of Promotions – Romy de Waal

Hi! I’m Romy, a 21-year-old currently serving as the Commissioner of Promotions. This year, I’m responsible for everything related to promotions, from creating videos and photos to designing Instagram content. My favorite part? Making posters! I’m in my second year of studying Communication and Multimedia Design at Zuyd University.

I grew up in Culemborg, located between Utrecht and Den Bosch. Last year, I started ballroom dancing with my boyfriend, but I also have a background in ballet and contemporary dance. If I find more time, I’d love to join those classes again! Besides dancing, I enjoy crocheting, knitting, yoga and expressing my creativity in various ways.

If you have any questions or want to meet up and get creative with me, feel free to talk to me in class or send me a message!

Kissesxx Romy

Commissioner of Committee’s – Myrthe Berlin

Hi everyone! 😊 My name is Myrthe, and I’m so excited to be part of the board this year! I’ve always loved to dance—my background is mostly in contemporary and ballet, but over the last few years, I’ve had the chance to explore feminine hip hop, jazz, dancehall, salsa, and ballroom. I have a bachelor’s degree in Sports (Sportkunde) and a master’s in Health Education and Promotion. I’ll be working hard to make sure all the lovely committees at Let’s Dance are happy and active. Can’t wait to meet you all and see you on the dancefloor! 💃

Trust persons

We would also like to introduce you to our two amazing trust persons: Alex and Lianne. Our trust persons are there for those who might have experienced something uncomfortable that they want to talk about, or those who are struggling and need a listening ear. They will listen and support you and help come up with solutions to improve your situation. Our trust persons have followed workshops addressing topics such as: bullying, intimidation, sexual harassment, aggression, and discrimination. These conversations will always be 100% confidential and are meant to be a safe space for our members. They are of course also open to just having a chat or any suggestions that you might have to improve our beautiful association even further. Feel free to contact them at any time through email or text or just come talk to them during classes or activities. 

Trust person – Lianne van den Broek

My name is Lianne van den Broek and I am the trust person of the M.S.D.V. Let’s Dance!. I feel that it is important for all our members to feels safe and comfortable in and around this association. Therefore, if you encounter any issues – be it personal issues, inappropriate (sexual) behaviour, disagreements with the instructors or the board – know that there is a person you can talk to confidentially. 

If you have questions or feel like you need to talk to someone, do not hesitate to approach me during the classes or via email: lianne.vdbroek@hotmail.com.

Trust person- Alex Braun

Hey, my name is Alex Braun and I’m a trust person of M.S.D.V Let’s Dance!.

If you have an issue within or outside the association and you would like to discuss it with someone in a confidential setting, I will be available with an open ear at the lessons or via the trust person email. These can be problems within or outside the association.